About Martin County Forever

Mission & Goals

Founded in 2022, the mission of Martin County Forever is to acquire and preserve important natural lands in Martin County for the benefit of present and future generations through a voter approved sales tax.



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Martin County already has a Great Track Record. 

Martin County Residents are Passionate About Protecting our Natural Environment

Many of us are familiar with our county’s unofficial tagline, “Martin County: It’s Different Here.” Part of that difference is the diversity of interest groups, as well as their passion and advocacy for the things that matter to them. We’ve discussed this conservation initiative with members of many local environmental groups as well as business owners, chamber of commerce members, farmers, realtors and government watchdog groups.  There has been tremendous support!  Some of the organizations are below.  If you or your group would like to officially endorse the initiative, please email your logo, letter of support or testimonial to martincountyforever@gmail.com and we’ll include it on our website. 


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We appreciate the wide support and endorsements from many organizations including those below:

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